The Children’s Museum

Our teachers had a great idea to make a review about this Children’s Museum downtown. Hope you enjoy my review!
This Children’s Museum in downtown San Diego is the best Children’s Museum in my opinion. In the Children’s Museum there’s this awesome exhibit called the Wonder Sound. In the Wonder Sound there’s this tunnel on the left that you can crawl through and if you look up you can see spoons hanging from the wall and you can touch them and they will make this amazing sound. I thought that was pretty cool. Also, in the amazing Wonder Sound there’s this whole room of ropes crisscrossing everywhere. In my opinion that my favorite room in the Wonder Sound. If you have more time in the Wonder Sound on the other side of the rope room there are these little passage ways that you can walk through and if you look you can see the whole Wonder Sound.

There’s this other awesome exhibit called the Rain House. When you walk in the Rain House it feels like it’s actually raining on the house. I thought that was awesome. Inside the Rain House there are these fabric tires that you can go in and stack them on yourself. Also, in the Rain House there are these fabric bananas that you can play with. Also, in the Rain House there is this panda that has really cool eyes in my opinion. And my favorite part about the Rain House are all the whimsical paintings. Also, in the Rain House there is this secret keychain that I thought was pretty cool.

One of the other amazing exhibits is the Home Tower. It felt to me like it was houses stacked on top of each other like building blocks. The Home Tower was about spelling out the word “home.” If you climb up all the stairs all the way to the top and looked out you could almost see the whole Children’s Museum. Another thing in the home tower is on the very top again if you look to the left I think there are these frames that say my home is something with a picture. Also in the Home Tower there are these orange furry blankets . If you go all the way down to the bottom of the Home Tower on the E there’s this tube that connects to the M and if you go on the M you can drop balls down to the E .

There are lots other exhibits in the Children’s Museum but those are just some of the main exhibits. You should spend more than two hours because we stayed there for two hours and we ran out of time. If you’re lucky you can find the sign that says Children’s Museum parking. Each kid is $6.00 if you bring one. I recommend for you to go to the Children’s Museum downtown San Diego.

The Children’s Museum inspired me to write this story:

One sunny evening a monkey swung branch to branch to find a sweet banana. But it was on the tallest tree. And the monkey couldn’t get up there because it was too high. The monkey tried and tried to get up there but the monkey still couldn’t. He called, “Help!” Millions of monkeys came from all different kinds of species; Australia monkeys, Africa monkeys, and lots more but they still couldn’t get the sweet banana for him. But then it struck midnight and the monkey’s didn’t know that when it strikes midnight the sweet banana so high turns alive and some bats and a panda guard the bananas. And then the banana came alive the monkeys didn’t know where it went and then came out the voracious bats and panda. The monkeys ran and ran, but then the voracious bats and panda kidnapped the monkeys but they didn’t kidnapped one it was the one who called for help. It was he who tried first. He ran to his other friends. He asked them, “Can you help me?” This panda and these bats kidnapped all these monkeys that I called for help. “Sure,” said friends and they tried again. That night out came the voracious panda and bats one of his friends said a spell that made the bats nice and the other friend said a spell too and made the panda nice one of the bats got the sweet banana for the monkey and they lived happily ever after.



Endangered Species Project

Ever think how fortunate we are? Well our class donated books to a school in Uganda since they had no books. It was cool how everyone really helped and did there part.


Someone in our class named Alex had this great idea to help the animals since we just helped people. And my animal is a Bengal Tiger. Hope you enjoy my green screen video.



Stars Find A Way

Our class is studying Outer Space. And then suddenly our teachers came up with this GREAT idea, it was to study one thing REALLY hard. And I decided to do it about stars. By the way we were doing it like Stars find a way… I hope you get inspired to do own of your own. Hope you enjoy mine.

Stars find a way to be different than each other, being big and small, hotter and colder and either blue, yellow, or red.

Stars find a way to hide going together like two luminous moons put together going into the most dark shady corner even in places that you can’t even imagine.

Stars find a way to be bigger than planets, growing innumerable inches high and hitting the limits.

Stars find a way to be hot, burning at millions and millions degrees starting as a stellar nebulae turning into a giant star glowing in the night sky with it’s own light.

Stars find a way to fade, growing and growing until they hit the final stage.

Poetry Poster

Did you know that the month of April is poetry month? If you don’t know what poetry month is then you’re in luck because I am about to tell you . So, poetry month is when we study poetry really hard and we study poets. And since it is poetry month my class decided to make a
poster! I hope you enjoy mine.

Solar System Comic

Our class is studying outer space and our teachers came up with this GREAT project. The project was to make an outer space comic! We used Comic Life and NASA for the project (those are apps). NASA was so willing to let us use their photos. Comic Life is an AWESOME app too, they have great tools. I convince you to either do an outer space comic or about anything else your choice. I hope you enjoy mine.



Vocabulary Story

Hi, my name is Max, each week our class has 1 special word. That 1 special word is called a vocabulary word. Our teachers give us clue’s what it is in the morning message. Each day we try to guess what the word is. It is more hard to guess it on Monday than Friday. By the way on Friday we reveal it. Sometimes if you are really focused you might find 2 or 3 clues on the morning message. PS: especially on Friday. So our teachers gave our class a challenge, it was to write a vocabulary story using 10 or more vocabulary words.  And here’s mine, hope you enjoy it.

The Tenacious Ant

Once upon a time there lived an adept ant. One morning he was in haste to get home and eat his cheese but then, boom, a child kicked him. He flew in the air and landed right in the middle of a park. He contemplated what is this place BUT THEN HE HAD AN IDEA, it was to climb that tower over there and then see where am I and also what is this place. After striving and striving he finally got there. When he got up he was surprised how vast the park was and how different the vantage was here than down there. Then he scrutinized the park really hard to maybe find a way out but then he noticed how hard it was to get down he was tenacious and finally got down.  He was so exhilarated when he got down because he found a path embedded in the bushes but the sun was diminishing so he ran down the path that led to his home. The kids and adults were aghast at what he had done and HE FINALLY GOT TO EAT HIS CHEESE.

My Blog

Storybird is an app. My teachers found the app. They brought it because you can make a story on it. Storybird is an app that people can make stories on. People from all over the world send pictures so people can make stories. How you start a story is you find a whimsical story, press on it then it is your choice picture book or chapter book. We picked picture book for a picture book it was pretty long for a picture book so I think you should choose a picture book except if yours is super long. But if it isn’t I think you should choose picture book. Anyway after that millions of deft pictures come up that the author colored so you choose a picture for your title then you pick another beautiful picture. You press an arrow on the side and then you keep doing that.

My Two Voice Poems

Our class wrote two voice poems. Do you know what a two voice poem is? Well I know what it is, A two voice poem is basically when two people talk in the poem, so that’s what a two voice poem is.  We did lots of steps but it was still fun. My favorite part was writing the two voice poem. When they were choosing partners to be the other talker, I was so curious who it was. Anyway my partner was Rylan I also helped Siena, I was kind of her partner. I went over lots of drafts over and over again I was surprised that that there was so many parts to finishing the two voice poem. Me and Rylan did a really good job for a first grader. It was fun! I hope you like it.


Our class learned about monarchs. I choose to make a blog post about monarchs because They are awesome creatures. they go on a journey that is amazing. They go on a journey to Mexico. It takes three Monarchs lives to get to Mexico and one to get back to where they live. Monarchs live in two places one is called Canada and Southern California. The eggs are laid under a leaf. A butterfly lays hundreds of eggs but the eggs are all laid on different leaves. When the eggs hatch a caterpillar forms and in about one week it makes a chrysalis but before it can even make a chrysalis it needs to eat, eat, eat and then it makes the chrysalis and then it crawls in. And in about a week the chrysalis will fall on the ground and the butterfly goes out. It will have to wait for one day or two and then it will start flying for about a week and die. But before it dies it will lay eggs and it will start the journey to Mexico or finish the journey or continue the journey to Mexico.
