Vocabulary Story

Hi, my name is Max, each week our class has 1 special word. That 1 special word is called a vocabulary word. Our teachers give us clue’s what it is in the morning message. Each day we try to guess what the word is. It is more hard to guess it on Monday than Friday. By the way on Friday we reveal it. Sometimes if you are really focused you might find 2 or 3 clues on the morning message. PS: especially on Friday. So our teachers gave our class a challenge, it was to write a vocabulary story using 10 or more vocabulary words.  And here’s mine, hope you enjoy it.

The Tenacious Ant

Once upon a time there lived an adept ant. One morning he was in haste to get home and eat his cheese but then, boom, a child kicked him. He flew in the air and landed right in the middle of a park. He contemplated what is this place BUT THEN HE HAD AN IDEA, it was to climb that tower over there and then see where am I and also what is this place. After striving and striving he finally got there. When he got up he was surprised how vast the park was and how different the vantage was here than down there. Then he scrutinized the park really hard to maybe find a way out but then he noticed how hard it was to get down he was tenacious and finally got down.  He was so exhilarated when he got down because he found a path embedded in the bushes but the sun was diminishing so he ran down the path that led to his home. The kids and adults were aghast at what he had done and HE FINALLY GOT TO EAT HIS CHEESE.

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